Otclient  14/8/2020
const.h File Reference
#include "stdext/compiler.h"
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#define DEG_TO_RAD   (acos(-1)/180.0)
#define RAD_TO_DEC   (180.0/acos(-1))
#define BUILD_COMMIT   "devel"
#define BUILD_REVISION   "0"
#define BUILD_TYPE   "unknown"
#define BUILD_ARCH   "unknown"


enum  Fw::Key : unsigned char {
  Fw::KeyUnknown = 0, Fw::KeyEscape = 1, Fw::KeyTab = 2, Fw::KeyBackspace = 3,
  Fw::KeyEnter = 5, Fw::KeyInsert = 6, Fw::KeyDelete = 7, Fw::KeyPause = 8,
  Fw::KeyPrintScreen = 9, Fw::KeyHome = 10, Fw::KeyEnd = 11, Fw::KeyPageUp = 12,
  Fw::KeyPageDown = 13, Fw::KeyUp = 14, Fw::KeyDown = 15, Fw::KeyLeft = 16,
  Fw::KeyRight = 17, Fw::KeyNumLock = 18, Fw::KeyScrollLock = 19, Fw::KeyCapsLock = 20,
  Fw::KeyCtrl = 21, Fw::KeyShift = 22, Fw::KeyAlt = 23, Fw::KeyMeta = 25,
  Fw::KeyMenu = 26, Fw::KeySpace = 32, Fw::KeyExclamation = 33, Fw::KeyQuote = 34,
  Fw::KeyNumberSign = 35, Fw::KeyDollar = 36, Fw::KeyPercent = 37, Fw::KeyAmpersand = 38,
  Fw::KeyApostrophe = 39, Fw::KeyLeftParen = 40, Fw::KeyRightParen = 41, Fw::KeyAsterisk = 42,
  Fw::KeyPlus = 43, Fw::KeyComma = 44, Fw::KeyMinus = 45, Fw::KeyPeriod = 46,
  Fw::KeySlash = 47, Fw::Key0 = 48, Fw::Key1 = 49, Fw::Key2 = 50,
  Fw::Key3 = 51, Fw::Key4 = 52, Fw::Key5 = 53, Fw::Key6 = 54,
  Fw::Key7 = 55, Fw::Key8 = 56, Fw::Key9 = 57, Fw::KeyColon = 58,
  Fw::KeySemicolon = 59, Fw::KeyLess = 60, Fw::KeyEqual = 61, Fw::KeyGreater = 62,
  Fw::KeyQuestion = 63, Fw::KeyAtSign = 64, Fw::KeyA = 65, Fw::KeyB = 66,
  Fw::KeyC = 67, Fw::KeyD = 68, Fw::KeyE = 69, Fw::KeyF = 70,
  Fw::KeyG = 71, Fw::KeyH = 72, Fw::KeyI = 73, Fw::KeyJ = 74,
  Fw::KeyK = 75, Fw::KeyL = 76, Fw::KeyM = 77, Fw::KeyN = 78,
  Fw::KeyO = 79, Fw::KeyP = 80, Fw::KeyQ = 81, Fw::KeyR = 82,
  Fw::KeyS = 83, Fw::KeyT = 84, Fw::KeyU = 85, Fw::KeyV = 86,
  Fw::KeyW = 87, Fw::KeyX = 88, Fw::KeyY = 89, Fw::KeyZ = 90,
  Fw::KeyLeftBracket = 91, Fw::KeyBackslash = 92, Fw::KeyRightBracket = 93, Fw::KeyCaret = 94,
  Fw::KeyUnderscore = 95, Fw::KeyGrave = 96, Fw::KeyLeftCurly = 123, Fw::KeyBar = 124,
  Fw::KeyRightCurly = 125, Fw::KeyTilde = 126, Fw::KeyF1 = 128, Fw::KeyF2 = 129,
  Fw::KeyF3 = 130, Fw::KeyF4 = 131, Fw::KeyF5 = 132, Fw::KeyF6 = 134,
  Fw::KeyF7 = 135, Fw::KeyF8 = 136, Fw::KeyF9 = 137, Fw::KeyF10 = 138,
  Fw::KeyF11 = 139, Fw::KeyF12 = 140, Fw::KeyNumpad0 = 141, Fw::KeyNumpad1 = 142,
  Fw::KeyNumpad2 = 143, Fw::KeyNumpad3 = 144, Fw::KeyNumpad4 = 145, Fw::KeyNumpad5 = 146,
  Fw::KeyNumpad6 = 147, Fw::KeyNumpad7 = 148, Fw::KeyNumpad8 = 149, Fw::KeyNumpad9 = 150
enum  Fw::LogLevel {
  Fw::LogDebug = 0, Fw::LogInfo, Fw::LogWarning, Fw::LogError,
enum  Fw::AspectRatioMode { Fw::IgnoreAspectRatio, Fw::KeepAspectRatio, Fw::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding }
enum  Fw::AlignmentFlag {
  Fw::AlignNone = 0, Fw::AlignLeft = 1, Fw::AlignRight = 2, Fw::AlignTop = 4,
  Fw::AlignBottom = 8, Fw::AlignHorizontalCenter = 16, Fw::AlignVerticalCenter = 32, Fw::AlignTopLeft = AlignTop | AlignLeft,
  Fw::AlignTopRight = AlignTop | AlignRight, Fw::AlignBottomLeft = AlignBottom | AlignLeft, Fw::AlignBottomRight = AlignBottom | AlignRight, Fw::AlignLeftCenter = AlignLeft | AlignVerticalCenter,
  Fw::AlignRightCenter = AlignRight | AlignVerticalCenter, Fw::AlignTopCenter = AlignTop | AlignHorizontalCenter, Fw::AlignBottomCenter = AlignBottom | AlignHorizontalCenter, Fw::AlignCenter = AlignVerticalCenter | AlignHorizontalCenter
enum  Fw::AnchorEdge {
  Fw::AnchorNone = 0, Fw::AnchorTop, Fw::AnchorBottom, Fw::AnchorLeft,
  Fw::AnchorRight, Fw::AnchorVerticalCenter, Fw::AnchorHorizontalCenter
enum  Fw::FocusReason { Fw::MouseFocusReason = 0, Fw::KeyboardFocusReason, Fw::ActiveFocusReason, Fw::OtherFocusReason }
enum  Fw::AutoFocusPolicy { Fw::AutoFocusNone = 0, Fw::AutoFocusFirst, Fw::AutoFocusLast }
enum  Fw::InputEventType {
  Fw::NoInputEvent = 0, Fw::KeyTextInputEvent, Fw::KeyDownInputEvent, Fw::KeyPressInputEvent,
  Fw::KeyUpInputEvent, Fw::MousePressInputEvent, Fw::MouseReleaseInputEvent, Fw::MouseMoveInputEvent,
enum  Fw::MouseButton { Fw::MouseNoButton = 0, Fw::MouseLeftButton, Fw::MouseRightButton, Fw::MouseMidButton }
enum  Fw::MouseWheelDirection { Fw::MouseNoWheel = 0, Fw::MouseWheelUp, Fw::MouseWheelDown }
enum  Fw::KeyboardModifier { Fw::KeyboardNoModifier = 0, Fw::KeyboardCtrlModifier = 1, Fw::KeyboardAltModifier = 2, Fw::KeyboardShiftModifier = 4 }
enum  Fw::WidgetState {
  Fw::InvalidState = -1, Fw::DefaultState = 0, Fw::ActiveState = 1, Fw::FocusState = 2,
  Fw::HoverState = 4, Fw::PressedState = 8, Fw::DisabledState = 16, Fw::CheckedState = 32,
  Fw::OnState = 64, Fw::FirstState = 128, Fw::MiddleState = 256, Fw::LastState = 512,
  Fw::AlternateState = 1024, Fw::DraggingState = 2048, Fw::HiddenState = 4096, Fw::LastWidgetState = 8192
enum  Fw::DrawPane { Fw::ForegroundPane = 1, Fw::BackgroundPane = 2, Fw::BothPanes = 3 }

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BUILD_ARCH   "unknown"

Definition at line 49 of file const.h.


#define BUILD_COMMIT   "devel"

Definition at line 32 of file const.h.


#define BUILD_REVISION   "0"

Definition at line 36 of file const.h.


#define BUILD_TYPE   "unknown"

Definition at line 40 of file const.h.


#define DEG_TO_RAD   (acos(-1)/180.0)

Definition at line 28 of file const.h.


#define RAD_TO_DEC   (180.0/acos(-1))

Definition at line 29 of file const.h.