Go to the documentation of this file.
33 int animationPhase = 0;
40 int ticks = EFFECT_TICKS_PER_FRAME;
57 rawGetThingType()->
draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, yPattern, 0, animationPhase, lightView);
ThingType * rawGetThingType(uint16 id, ThingCategory category)
EventDispatcher g_dispatcher
ticks_t getTotalDuration()
int getPhaseAt(ticks_t time)
const ThingTypePtr & getThingType()
void drawEffect(const Point &dest, float scaleFactor, bool animate, int offsetX=0, int offsetY=0, LightView *lightView=nullptr)
ThingType * rawGetThingType()
const ThingTypePtr & getThingType(uint16 id, ThingCategory category)
bool getFeature(Otc::GameFeature feature)
AnimatorPtr getAnimator()
void draw(const Point &dest, float scaleFactor, int layer, int xPattern, int yPattern, int zPattern, int animationPhase, LightView *lightView=nullptr)
ScheduledEventPtr scheduleEvent(const std::function< void()> &callback, int delay)
ThingTypeManager g_things
bool removeThing(const ThingPtr &thing)
bool isValidDatId(uint16 id, ThingCategory category)